Advantage II Flea Treatment for Extra Large Dogs Product Thumbnail 0

Advantage II Flea Treatment for Extra Large Dogs

Product information

This is a simple to use, once a month treatment that gets rid of fleas when it touches them. It also stops fleas from growing and making more fleas. It's safe for young puppies over seven weeks and big dogs over 25 kg.

Product Ratings:

  • our rating
    86 out of 100

where to buy:

price range:

$50 - $55CAD

product review and rating of Advantage II Flea Treatment for Extra Large Dogs

product features:

  • Application & Protection: Advantage II is easy to apply, offering year-round protection when used monthly and is safe for puppies over seven weeks and dogs over 25 kg.
  • Flea Treatment: Advantage II kills fleas upon contact, reducing the risk of skin infections and flea allergy dermatitis in pets.
  • Lifecycle Disruption: Advantage II protects against all stages of the flea life cycle, effectively managing infestations.

editorial review:

Advantage II is a strong flea medicine for dogs. It kills fleas when it touches them, which helps to lower the chance of skin infections and flea allergy dermatitis in your pet. Fleas can lay up to 50 eggs per day, so they can quickly cause an infestation in your home. 

What makes Advantage II different from other treatments is that it protects against all stages of the flea life cycle. It doesn't just kill adult fleas, it also stops the life cycle to handle infestations well. Applying the treatment is easy and using it once a month gives protection all year round. This product is safe for puppies that are at least seven weeks old and for dogs that weigh more than 25 kg. Remember, your dog might shake off some of the treatment right after you put it on. If you don't see any fleas after treatment, that means it's working.

what we like:

  • Easy to apply
  • Year-round protection
  • Safe for puppies and large dogs
  • Kills fleas on contact

what could be better:

  • Dogs may shake off treatment
  • No tick or heartworm protection
our rating:
our rating
86 out of 100

A score in the 80s means most customers will be satisfied. It is a great product, it is high quality and the brand provides good support.

where to buy:

other recommended flea medicine drops for dogs

product questions about Advantage II Flea Treatment for Extra Large Dogs

  • Does this flea medicine work for cats and dogs?

    Yes, Advantage flea medicine works for both cats and dogs. But remember, there might be different types for each animal. So, make sure to use the right one.

  • How do pets get the Advantage flea medicine?

    The Advantage flea medicine is like a lotion. It's put on the pet's skin. It's best to put it on the back of their neck so they can't lick it off.

  • Can more than one pet share a dose of the medicine?

    Some people have tried sharing doses between pets, but it's usually not a good idea. The amount of medicine needed depends on how big the pet is. Sharing could mean not enough medicine for one pet or too much for another.

  • How does Advantage II keep homes free from fleas?

    Advantage II kills fleas when they touch your pet, so they don't have to bite your pet first to die. This stops fleas at all stages - adults, babies, and eggs - which helps keep homes free from fleas.

  • Does Advantage II also protect against ticks and heartworms?

    The information doesn't say that Advantage II protects against ticks or heartworms. It mainly helps control fleas.

  • What if a pet rubs the medicine off after it's put on?

    If a pet rubs off the medicine, it might not work as well. Owners should watch their pets and stop them from rubbing against things until the medicine soaks in. Some owners use special collars to help with this.