Missona Natural Flea and Tick Dog Collar Pack
Product information
This collar helps keep fleas and ticks away from dogs for up to 16 months. It uses plant oils. It won't stop working if it gets wet. It can be made smaller or bigger to fit any dog.
Product Ratings:
- our rating94 out of 100
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product review and rating of Missona Natural Flea and Tick Dog Collar Pack
product features:
- Water-resistant: The collar's water-resistant design ensures continuous protection even during water-related activities.
- Long-lasting Protection: The Missona Flea Collar provides up to 16 months of flea and tick protection, utilizing essential oils as a natural deterrent.
- Adjustable Size: The collar's adjustable size makes it suitable for all dogs, with the option to trim for a better fit.
editorial review:
The Missona Flea Collar for dogs is long-lasting and made with natural ingredients. It can protect your dog from fleas and ticks for up to 16 months. This is longer than many other products.
The collar uses essential oils. These oils come from plants and help keep fleas and ticks away. This is a great choice if you don't want to use synthetic products. The collar doesn't get ruined by water, so your dog can play in water without losing protection.
The collar fits all dogs, no matter their size or breed. Even puppies as young as seven weeks old can wear it safely. If the collar is too big, you can cut off the extra length to make it fit better.
what we like:
- Water-resistant Design
- Long-lasting Protection
- Natural Ingredients
- Adjustable Size
what could be better:
- Essential Oils Sensitivity
- Overpowering Scent
A score of 90 and above means nearly all customers will be satisfied! It is an excellent product, it is high quality, the brand provides good support, and you likely can't go wrong with this purchase.
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product questions about Missona Natural Flea and Tick Dog Collar Pack
How does the person feel about the cat carriers?
The person thinks the cat carriers are roomy and let air in. They say their cat likes to sleep in it, so it must be comfy.
Did the person like using the boundary training system for their dog?
Yes, they liked it a lot. At first, they were worried it might hurt their dog. But then they found out it didn't, and now they're glad they got it.
How long do Missona flea collars work for dogs?
Missona flea collars can keep dogs safe from fleas and ticks for up to 16 months.
Can a dog wearing a Missona flea collar play in water?
Yes, a dog wearing a Missona flea collar can play in water. The collar is made to keep working even when it gets wet.
Can big dogs and small dogs both use Missona flea collars?
Yes, big dogs and small dogs can both use Missona flea collars. The collar size can be changed to fit any dog.
What's the name of the company that makes the product?
The company that makes the product is called Missona.